Friday, January 18, 2013

Post storm wrap up

Our storm came off as expected with NOT a bad forecast, but certainly a glaring snow hole from parts of Bedford county into Amherst as the "mega band" formed just a smidge south and missed some areas.

From WSET-- Total snow estimates.
This type of system, this can be expected. I tried to state several times that when the band forms, that there will be winners and losers. The model data was clear there would be a transition of the band as it progessed east and the data was off by maybe 25 miles on the formation. For those who got under it, it was pretty incredible. 

I knew something was up when people in Bedford and Amherst were telling me it wasn't snowing yet and I was getting clocked. This is a snip from the airport weather station. I assume the change over was the same time. We had snow mixing around 4:45 and it was mostly snow by 5. With that assumption, .70 liquid fell as snow. Between the warm ground, marginal air temps, etc it was 3-4 inches for those who were under the heart of the band.  That's a 5-1 ratio. A normal snow has just above 10-1 ratio.  Incredible flake size-- flakes of 2.5 inches across and maybe even 1/8 of an inch think. As a guy who tracks and chases snow, I don't know if I've ever seen flakes that big. The snow had huge divots like a golf ball as it accumulated. My assumption was we'd get  7-8 to 1 ratio on the snow fall. Had that verified we would of have 5 inches or so.

Further, as the band moved south there were a couple lighting strikes, one near Concord and the other down towards Altavista.

So, I'd grade my outlook a B or so. Those big bands are hard to forecast and getting the ratio wrong as well makes less than perfect. I think the overall flavor was pretty good.

Nothing big on the horizon. We will have few pretty cold days next week but nothing extra ordinary. 

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